Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones
Check the definitive guide here

Treatments For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Book Review 
Home Remedies For Kidney StonesAlthough there may be against kidney stones very good home remedy, but sometimes surgery to remove inevitable. Kidney stones are crushed, for example, ultrasound, in order to avoid an operation. The well-known home remedy is especially useful for both prevention and treatment.

Apply to relieve pain in the lower abdomen to warm compresses.

Lemon as a remedy for kidney stones
Kidney stones recommends an old home recipe, drink the juice of three lemons daily.

Still considered the best means to prevent, as well as during treatment, drinking plenty, with the most appropriate silent water has been found or even tap water and unsweetened herbal teas. Since green and black tea contain stone-forming oxalic acid, these are not recommended.

You should also provide an abundant supply of liquid, are best suited here daily to three liters of kidney tea and you should also ensure good bowel function, which you can achieve with a predominantly vegetarian diet. Allow sufficient physical activity, is particularly well much climbing stairs and make sure to reduce eventual obesity.

Treatments For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Book Review  Very successful has also the dyer root, which is available in pharmacies as a so-called mother tincture. Take 20 drops twice daily or, in tablet form as Rubia D2 two to three tablets at Tag.Trinken two daily cups Maistee and regularly Kombucha.

Proper nutrition helps as home remedies for kidney stone
Your diet should also of basic foods such as carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits are made ​​and you should reduce the consumption of protein, which is present mainly in seafood and meat.

Organ meats such as heart, kidney, liver, tongue, and legumes, sweetbreads and pork should be avoided absolutely and with caution oxalathaltige foods such as spinach, rhubarb, cocoa, chocolate and beetroot.

Not better ... kidney stones
Home Remedies For Kidney StonesControversy is an increased consumption of beer, both because of the alcohol content, and secondly because of the high Puringehalts because purine leads to an increase in uric acid levels, which have in turn influence the formation of kidney stones. The positive feature of beer is that it ausschwemmt.